Thursday 30 January 2014

Birthday and I survived!

27th Jan - Monday
My birthday. Woke up to a text message. Facebook was full of messages on my timeline. I was in a good mood, if a bit tired because of the wind. Altering air pressures do that to me, and it's been windy and rainy for a week now.

Anyway, lecture went quickly by while jotting down notes. Sometimes it's a bit difficult to decide what's important and what's not, because everything is interesting. :P The tutorial was fun, as now I was prepared to answer the questions.

After that I dashed back to my room to get ready for the evening. Got myself a two month subscription for Knights of the Old Republic, as a present, but didn't play it yet. I had gathered some new friends to spend some time with me at the student bar. (forgot to take my camera)
Took some pics with my phone, but they're not that good;
this was the best one.

I went there a bit before seven, and five past no one had shown up. :P But then one showed, and we sat and talked for a bit and the rest came half past. And they bought friends, and a birthday cake! I was so happy and we had loads of fun, if all we did was talk and drink. :D

Got home at around one-ish, and stayed up 'til little after two. Because I can't sleep if I'm drunk.

It was a wonderful birthday.

28th Jan - Tuesday
Woke up to a note in front of my door, informing me that I had a parcel waiting at the office at Merville. Took a quick shower and went to get it. I knew mum had sent me something, no idea what it was.
Tuned out to be a pair of soft socks and the warmest slippers ever. <3
Had my lectures, read what I was supposed to and played SWTOR. In the evening, when one of my flat mates was going out we noticed that the front door wouldn't lock; and I''d noticed that the toilet seat was broken. Went to bed way too late.

29th Jan - Wednesday
Woke up tired and annoyed, and anxious and everything not so nice. Logged the problems of the flat - they were taken care of during the day.

I had lectures from one to nine, with a couple of brakes in between, but I had to do schoolwork on those. And joined a game society and a traditional music society on Refresher's Day. Can't wait for the meetings.

At nine I was feeling so bad, that all I could do was play video games, because I know I can't sleep when I'm feeling like that - I'd end up having a panic attack or something.

Finally went to bed at three, having joined a wonderful RP guild in SWTOR and gotten to 'meet' some cool people there.

Hope the rest of the week will be better.

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