Tuesday 14 January 2014

Trip and the first day

 I know I said that I wouldn't start a new blog for this trip, but it's way simpler this way.

So this blog is for my student exchange in Ireland, at UCD.

My trip started on the 12th January when mum took me took the Helsinki-Vantaa airport and we did my check-in and luggage drop (two huge bags of essentials). I cried on the way to the airport, in the car... Not because I didn't want to go, but because there were so many unknowns, there still is.

Mum took me to dinner in the hotel restaurant and we spent the night quietly in the hotel room. Mum worked and I watched a film, can't remember its name... Anyway, went to bed around eleven.

I slept very fitfully and woke up even before my alarm went off, and that was around four in the morning, a quick breakfast and we were at the airport again at around six. I went through the security gates and went to the gate to wait for my flight to Copenhagen.
My hand luggage, hand bag and coat on the bench at Helsinki-Vantaa
The flight went fine... I had all these accidents I was worrying about - been watching too much Aircrash Investigation, but the flight went perfectly; my ears didn't even pop.

We arrived to Copenhagen little before eight (local time) and I was getting seriously tired; my eyes wouldn't stay open and all speak became a mumble. I had five hours to spend there and I'd never been at that airport, so I had to go to the info-desk to ask about the gate and a place to sleep. In the end I found a nice quiet bench and took a nap - slept an hour with my bags under my legs and wrapped around my feet.

When I woke up I needed to eat, so I went to look for a place to get food... Did you know it is almost impossible to find decent grub at an airport. I wanted a nice, healthier sandwich or a salad, but in the end I just had to take what they had. Did get a nice coffee at the Starbucks there, and the seller there (Can you call him a barista, isn't that a woman?) was just cute. He was sweet and funny and interested. So I had my coffee and got really sleepy again.

There was this quiet lounge, where I saw other people sleeping, so I went there too. After another nap, it was time to find the gate.

On the flight from Copenhagen to Dublin, there we a couple of babies on the plane and I was so worried that they'd be crying all the time. But luckily the girl behind me was the sweetest ever, she smiled at me when I looked at her, and reached to touch when I had to get up to let people pass. And she fell asleep during the landing. That was adorable.

Dublin Airport <3
In Dublin, I got my bags really quickly. And then I was off to find the UCD people and get to the right bus. Everything went perfect; I got to the bus stop just when the coach got there and got on just in time. The fare was cheaper than in Finland ever.

It was just too bad the coach stopped at the opposite side of the huge campus and I had to lug my bags all the way to the Merville House to get my key and info. Got them alright and bumped into one girl who showed me where my dorm was. Dumped my stuff and went to buy some food. Spent the day on my laptop, resting and watching Farscape. Did meet my flatmates; seemed like nice girls.

Finally there!
1st day
Woke up around ten, had some breakfast and unpacked. Then I went to look for the announced charity sale. Got an extra pillow, some eating utensils, a pot and a mug.

Belgrove Student Village - the place I'll be living in for the next five months.
Took these next shots on the way to the charity sale.

Next up a trip to the grocery store.  Got coffee, tea, bread and some other essentials. Chatted a bit with my flatmates and after that fought my Steam Network functional and played a bit. Took a shower and now I really should hang my clothes up and get tea.

My desk and wardrobe. And my skylight. <3
I've finally gotten my room to the right temperature; it's not freezing and not too hot. The heater I have is a little over-zealous sometimes. The shower and bathroom are a nightmare though, I really need to get some heavy-duty slippers or something, because the floor is burn-freezing my feet off.

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