Thursday 16 January 2014

Starting to settle down

15th January
I had my language aptitude test in the morning, at half past nine. >< First time I've had to wake up that early this year. Results are going up in two weeks... Hope it went well enough. :P

Pictures from the campus, on the way to the tiny grocery store on campus. Nothing much else happened during the day, I got SWTOR working, so I played that a bit and Skyped to Finland. <3 Those calls really help this being away from family.

In later afternoon, there was an International Student Welcome assembly, followed by a fair and a reception. Talked with loads of people, got the rest of the week scheduled up. I had to leave around five or six, because I was bushed. Went to the dorm and watched Farscape until I went to bed at around ten.

16th January
Woke up at ten, and even having slept near 12 hours, I was still tired, so I just took some breakfast and sat around until one, when there was an info of School of English and a campus tour after that. Forgot to take my camera with me, though...

Then back to the dorm and cook. I made pasta and ate it, then I took a nap, slept an hour almost. Then I talked to mum through Skype again. Then I went to a X-Box (Kinect) evening. Ended up sketching and laughing at people flailing around. It was fun. Met new people. Then to the rooms again, took a shower and now I'm writing this.

Tomorrow I'll probably have more to write about, as I'm going for a open top bus tour for Dublin.

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