Sunday 19 January 2014

1st weekend

Went very quietly. There was an option to go on a pub crawl on Friday, but I decided against that this time.

Instead I went to IKEA on Saturday; bought some essentials, like a proper pillow, some kitchen utensils and an oven-proof dish. That was basically my whole day; afterwards I was so tired and my feet hurt, so I decided to spend the rest of the day loitering about. It was, after all, already six o'clock.

On Sunday, I walked almost three kilometres to the nearest Tesco, to buy proper food. The register wouldn't accept my Visa Electron, although there's been no problem elsewhere. It was annoying...

I was supposed to do my laundry today, but after cooking some lunch, I decided not to - I'll do it tomorrow - as my ankle was giving me serious trouble, I could barely walk, let alone go up and down the stairs.

Anyway, got some lovely pictures on the way to Tesco:
Blue skies for a change. It was a warm day.

It seriously feels like spring here!

I want a car like this! <3

This road was scary to cross... 

These gardens are crazy! I mean, palm trees? Really?

And tomorrow my lessons start. Finally! ^^

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