Saturday 18 January 2014

Dublin bus tour

In the morning we had an Erasmus Student Orientation, I joined ESN and had a quick lunch... I really need to start cooking here. I'm getting sick of these sandwiches. ><

After lunch it was time to find the bus stop where the open top bus would take us for a tour of Dublin city centre. Luckily I had asked around and had a vague idea of where to go, and for once I found it on first try.

The top of the bus was packed full... and it was very, very cold once we were moving.
One of the many pubs we passed. I swear there was one in every corner.

Love those colourful doors. There was one street otherwise very gray, but the doors were all a different colour, it was gorgeous.  

This is the best pic I got of the Guinness warehouse. ><  Need to got there again, and take a peek inside, too. 
Need to visit here, too.
And dad wanted to get here, if I remember right. The main postal building.
 After the tour, I went back to the dorms. Just to take my stuff there and warm up a bit, because they were showing Pacific Rim at Global Lounge and I wanted to see it (again). After that I talked a bit to a girl I met - another new Facebook friend.

Wow, I'm being social. xD

A couple of episodes of BBC's Sherlock and to bed. I need to find those launderettes this weekend, as I'm running out of underwear.

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