Sunday 26 January 2014

The end of the week

22nd Jan - Wednesday
Woke up in a mood. Damned hormones! Managed not to snap at anyone the whole day, and even managed to talk a bit...

Almost didn't find the first lecture hall, because Blackboard said it was in a different room, but it was in the same one as it was on Monday. Arrived about five minutes late, but luckily didn't miss much. Apparently I wasn't the only one who had trusted Blackboard, as there were people slinking in for good half an hour.

Which to me seemed ridiculous; if I'd missed twenty minutes of a fifty minute class, I wouldn't bother showing up. It's not like they take attendance in lectures.

After this lesson, I ran around sorting out my schedule with the international office. Got it all done, now I just should remember to draft out and send my Learning Agreement... as if I will, my head's like a sieve when it comes to these things. I also got a ticket for my first day trip in a couple of week's time; I'm going to Glendalough. Can't wait!

Then I had some free time which I spent the normal way; on my laptop.

And in the evening I had a double lecture especially for exchange students called "Ireland Uncovered". That's basically some basic historical and cultural information about Ireland, but it seems very interesting. After the lecture I got something to eat from the shop and went to my room. Went to bed as quick as possible.

23rd Jan - Thursday
Still in a mood. Feeling very antisocial, wouldn't want to go to lessons.
Got up anyway, showered and made myself look presentable enough. My first class of the day, Early Medieval Ireland, was in the Science Building and I almost couldn't find it - there were no signs anywhere about the lecture hall locations. ><
Inner courtyard of Newman Building
After lecture back to the room. A quick bite and a rest, then to another class; another session of The Woman's Voice. Got to start a bit late, because the lesson before us stretched and our professor had a some technical difficulties - she's got a new Mac. I love these lessons, because I know something already, and they're seminars, so we're asked questions.

Got ready for my first night out. A bit worried about going around alone, but then I ran into a couple of girls from the US and tagged along. First we went to a pub to listen to some music. Guinness was only 4,70! O.O

They just sat around the table and played.

My 1st Guiness in Ireland. Yummy.

After that we ran to Temple Bar and Turks Head, where ESN had arranged a traffic light party. That, too, was fun, if a bit noisy and crowded at the end. Met a few people, had a drink. When it was time to go, I couldn't find my coat, but that's only a coat, so I don't mind so much. It would still be nice to get it back, though...

One of the girls borrowed me her raincoat, and we took a taxi back to Belfield. It was around two or three in the morning when I finally got to bed. A long day, but, in the end, all fun.

24th Jan - Friday
First and only lesson for today started at ten. Slept 'til five to nine, dressed quickly and dashed off. Living on campus has it advantages. :P

After that grabbed some breakfast, rested a bit and made myself up. At little after twelve I left for the city centre. Got the right bus that would've taken me all the way to where I wanted to got, but I got out a bit early and walked. It was rainy and a bit windy, but it's Dublin!
A map of St. Stephen's Green, a Victorian park.

Victorian. Yes, obviously. :P
I so want to see this place in spring!
Walked across St. Stephen's Green, and got to Grafton Street, where all the shops are. Popped into a few, but didn't really buy anything. I was more sightseeing this time around, anyway.

I walked around Grafton Street and Temple Bar area for good three-four hours, but then my feet began hurting, so I decided to take the bus home.

Here are some more pics from along the way:

St. Stephen's Green shopping centre, at the beginning of Grafton Street.

Molly Malone statue. If you don't know the song,
go listen to it, now! :D

In front of a tattoo parlour. xD
Got my first birthday card. Thank you! <3

25-26 Jan - Saturday and Sunday
My feet are killing me. The wind is getting ridiculous. I'm doing absolutely nothing this weekend. These were my first thoughts of Saturday morning. And I didn't do anything constructive at all. Popped into the shop at one point, but that doesn't count. :P

Now it's ten to nine Sunday morning - woke up at around seven, because of the bloody wind rattling my window - and I plan on doing absolutely nothing today, too. I'll play Skyrim and cook, that's all. :P

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