Monday 17 February 2014

Week four of term - part 2

13th Feb - Thursday
I can't believe I've been here a month already! Time's going by way too fast.
But at the same time, it's been the longest month of my life, I feel. So much has happened and I've had ups and downs, and I've gotten new experiences to share.

There was a fire alarm in our house in the evening (false alarm), but nothing else special really happened; woke early, had lectures, played games and did some schoolwork; went to bed way too late.

14th Feb - Friday
Finally got around marking my deadlines on my calendar... I've got three in two weeks. Damn, I really got to get cracking with those. Luckily they're not that difficult, or that long.

In the evening I went to a friend's birthday party, talked for hours - I had a bottle of wine (it was good...) and then I decided to leave. Which was really a good idea, because I had a slight panic attack when I got back to our stairs... And luckily there was one girl just going into her apartment - she helped me up the stairs and into my room.

Laid down for a bit, and when I was calm enough, I had a sandwich and some tea. Watched some films and went to bed. It wasn't yet midnight...

15th Feb - Saturday
Woke up at around five. Had some water and went back to bed. My alarm went off at nine, so I got up, had breakfast and went to the city centre.

I was there for around three hours, and the weather stayed nice the whole time!

Got a new shirt, a nail repair kit, some moisturizer and groceries. Had lunch at KFC. Why can't we have those in Finland!? The workers in the stores are so lovely and helpful, and I'm absolutely going to miss that when I get back to Joensuu. I've also found a new favourite candy; Jelly Babies, they're kind of between gummy bears and Turkish delights.

When I got back to Belgrove, one of my housemates had just gone out and the other was having breakfast in the kitchen with her boyfriend who was visiting. And it was closer to two o'clock.

The rest of the day I did some school work and played around with my computer... Again stayed up too late; this is getting ridiculous.

16th Feb - Sunday
Took out the trash, vacuumed my room. Did schoolwork - finally continued my BA essay. In the evening played some games. Again to bed too late.

I really need to start fixing that.

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