Sunday 9 February 2014

Let the Pictures do the talking

7th Feb - Friday
Still being antisocial, but here's a couple of pictures from that day.

Yeah, umbrella's are usually completely useless here. This one's not mine, though...

8th Feb - Saturday
Went on a trip to the Great Sugar loaf Mountain and Glendalough (that's valley of the lakes) park. Took lots of pictures, so I'll do the story with captions. Enjoy!

Sugar loaf Mountain
 Overview from the bottom
 One of the few pictures that show the colours.
 What to you mean, cold and windy?

 Even the ground was colourful. :P
No filters, I took this picture through the bus window. ^^

I really don't know what to say about these. It was so gorgeous and breathtaking
This is the lake from P.S. I love you. <3 

After this we went for lunch in Enniskerry (Love the place names!).
Beef and Guinnes stew. Yum.
A pink sweet shop. <3 They had Jelly babies. :P

And that it for my weekend. :) I had fun. <3

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