Friday 23 May 2014

The Hills of Moher and the Burren

Mostly photos here. I just have no words. <3
Leaving Galway at ten.

First stop at Duaguaire Castle, Kinvarra

Next Corcomroe Abbey (?), in the middle of the Burren.

On back to the Burren. This was taken at An Cathair Mhór
(Cahermore) Celtic stone fort.

Then we had a bathroom break at a town called Ballyvaughan... I also bought an Irish coffee to go. :P
A view of the Burren.

This is Poll na Brón (Poulnabrone), the biggest portal
tomb in the area.

Driving away from there, we ran into some trouble
with a school bus. :P

Had lunch at O'Connors, in Doolin.
Our driver was from there, so he knew where to take us.

The fish chowder was delicious - and cheap. Yum.
Finally at the Cliffs themselves.
We were running a bit late; it was already
two o'clock.

Gorgeous views. <3

The cave scene - with the fake horcrux - in the sixth Potter movie was shot in that cave up there. Also these are the Cliffs of Insanity from the Princess Bride. <3

A view of the other side.

On the way to the Heritage Centre.
If it had had round doors and windows, it would've
looked like a Hobbit hole. <3

 These last pics are from the way back. I was half asleep, so I can't remember the name of the mountains, but they were gorgeous.

All of this was molded by the Ice Age.
And even the sun made an appearance. :P

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