Saturday 24 May 2014

Connemara - or Sheep on the Road

Left the hostel at little before ten, again, and headed to the other side of the Bay.

And I'll let the pictures do most of the talking.

Ross Errilly Friary from the 14th century

They're planning of restoring a part of the roof
and making the place "tourist friendly"
but I preferred it this way.

This is where The Quiet Man, a John Wayne film from the 50s was filmed. And it shows. ;)

Cong Abbey

There were fishermen everywhere, as well.

Sheep. They were everywhere.
 Lough Na Phooey (?) valley.
A school from 1800s and early 1900s. This small building
for the huge valley. O.O

Killary Fjord. The only one in Ireland.
Mussel farms.
Those pink flowers are rhododendrons.

A May bush. You make a wish and leave
something of your to make it come true.

On the way back. One more photo stop at Lough Inagh.

After this I promptly fell asleep for an hour... I must be getting sick.

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