Wednesday 28 May 2014

The hill of Tara and Newgrange - 27.5.

I got lucky with the weather. For once.

We left for the Hill of Tara at around 10.30. And arrived there around noon.

Mound of the Hostages - Dumha na nGiall

The Rock of Destiny - Lia Fáil

And of course they have to plant Patrick there
as well.

Next up it was a drive to Newgrange - the biggest open passage tomb. But first we had lunch at Newgrange Farm.
NTS: Don't have a tuna sandwich at a place where there
might be cats. Just kidding, this darling got her scratches. <3

Next up was the tomb itself. We weren't allowed to take pictures inside the tomb, but it was beautiful.

And that was it. We had a quick stop over at the heritage centre, but nothing special. The drive back to Dublin took about an hour. I think the greatest thing about this tour was meeting the other people on it. They were all wonderful people, and they were from all over the world.

It was only half past four, when we got back to Dublin, so I went to the hostel to change and went back out again. Spent the day window shopping, grabbed some dinner. And because I just didn't want to go back to the hostel yet, I went to see the new X-Men film. :P

Got back to the hostel at around eleven.

Sunday 25 May 2014

Resting days - leaving Galway

Had a leisurely morning. Packed my stuff, ready to move into another room for the next night and took them to the luggage room to wait for the afternoon. Had a bit of breakfast, lounged around, and then decided to pop into town for a few hours.

The Galway City is gorgeous, even in the rain. I would love to be there for longer next time... Maybe I should try to get a summer job from there, or something.

I bought flip flops, and sneakers for under 15 euro. :) And then I found a comic book store that had t-shirts... I just had to buy myself a Deadpool tee. <3 It was a bit expensive, but way worth it.

After lunch I returned to the hostel, dried up and put my laptop up in the dining area. Played games for the rest of the day...

My last night in Galway was spent in a ten bed dorm, and disturbed by this damned cold I've got.

Checked out, had breakfast and made my way to the bus station. Feeling a bit sad about leaving Galway. I absolutely loved the place, and I will return there. That's a promise I make myself.

Had to wait a bit for the bus to Dublin, about forty minutes, or so, but for once the bus was on time! This cold is making me really tired, so I promptly fell asleep once I was safely on the bus. I was cold the whole three hour drive, but at least it kept me awake for the last fifteen minutes.

When I was taking my backpack from the boot of the bus, hauling it on my back, I fell straight on my ass against another bus. That must have looked ridiculous... But anyway, there was at least three guys helping me up immediately. The people here are so lovely.

Walked the short trip to my hostel, and checked in. I must admit, I was a bit worried, because I'd never gotten a confirmation e-mail, but everything was all right. I took my stuff into my room - top bunk, for a change - and went in search for lunch in the town.

Had fish and chips, and bought a gelato from next door. After that I still didn't feel like going back to the hostel I decided to catch a film. Went to see Godzilla. It was good.

Now I'm back at the hostel. Dead tired and a bit sore from the fall earlier. I think I'm going to take it easy tomorrow, just a trip to the post office, to send some more stuff back home, and getting some food.

Saturday 24 May 2014

Connemara - or Sheep on the Road

Left the hostel at little before ten, again, and headed to the other side of the Bay.

And I'll let the pictures do most of the talking.

Ross Errilly Friary from the 14th century

They're planning of restoring a part of the roof
and making the place "tourist friendly"
but I preferred it this way.

This is where The Quiet Man, a John Wayne film from the 50s was filmed. And it shows. ;)

Cong Abbey

There were fishermen everywhere, as well.

Sheep. They were everywhere.
 Lough Na Phooey (?) valley.
A school from 1800s and early 1900s. This small building
for the huge valley. O.O

Killary Fjord. The only one in Ireland.
Mussel farms.
Those pink flowers are rhododendrons.

A May bush. You make a wish and leave
something of your to make it come true.

On the way back. One more photo stop at Lough Inagh.

After this I promptly fell asleep for an hour... I must be getting sick.

Friday 23 May 2014

The Hills of Moher and the Burren

Mostly photos here. I just have no words. <3
Leaving Galway at ten.

First stop at Duaguaire Castle, Kinvarra

Next Corcomroe Abbey (?), in the middle of the Burren.

On back to the Burren. This was taken at An Cathair Mhór
(Cahermore) Celtic stone fort.

Then we had a bathroom break at a town called Ballyvaughan... I also bought an Irish coffee to go. :P
A view of the Burren.

This is Poll na Brón (Poulnabrone), the biggest portal
tomb in the area.

Driving away from there, we ran into some trouble
with a school bus. :P

Had lunch at O'Connors, in Doolin.
Our driver was from there, so he knew where to take us.

The fish chowder was delicious - and cheap. Yum.
Finally at the Cliffs themselves.
We were running a bit late; it was already
two o'clock.

Gorgeous views. <3

The cave scene - with the fake horcrux - in the sixth Potter movie was shot in that cave up there. Also these are the Cliffs of Insanity from the Princess Bride. <3

A view of the other side.

On the way to the Heritage Centre.
If it had had round doors and windows, it would've
looked like a Hobbit hole. <3

 These last pics are from the way back. I was half asleep, so I can't remember the name of the mountains, but they were gorgeous.

All of this was molded by the Ice Age.
And even the sun made an appearance. :P