Thursday 24 April 2014

Spring time is here...

.... And so are the finals.

Haven't had the time to write here because I've been revising, writing essays and playing Dragon Age: Origins. That last one just to get my mind off things.

I only have about a month left in Ireland, and I'm getting the feeling that I'll be really sad when I have to go.

This is the last week of the actual term here, then it's revision week and then the exams. Mine are on the 12th, 16th and 17th of May, so I do have time to revise - even with everything else going on.

Also, it's already like summer here. It kind of snuck up on me, really. All of a sudden you can go out in a t-shirt and jeans, or a dress. I'm going to have a four month summer here. O.O

Näin nämä koivut täällä. Mites siellä Suomessa? ;D

And as a bonus, I've gone down one dress size while I've been here. Got to keep this up :D

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