Sunday 1 June 2014

Final days and wrapping up

Wax Museum and walking around in the city. Lovely day... Got some more sun burns, though.

After the visit to wax museum I walked around a bit. Then I bought lunch and went to St Stephen's Green park to eat it. The place was packed with picnicers and other people.

It seems that sunshine affects both Finns and the Irish the same; we start sunbathing and spending time outside.

After lunch I basically walked back to the hostel and spent the rest of the day there.

Packing and treating my sunburns. They're itchy. Stayed up way too late.

Last look at Dublin.
The day I go home. Truly bittersweet. I am so happy to see all my friends and family again, but I've also fallen in love with Ireland, and feel really sad about leaving this place.

Finished packing and had a hostel breakfast. The checkout had to be done by ten thirty, so I decided to go to the airport straight after that. Too bad I couldn't do my check in before four o'clock. :P

Set up my laptop in the McDonald's there, bought coffee, and pottered about for a few hours.

One thing about travelling alone; you really have to decide to trust people. Sometimes you have to ask strangers to take your picture, ask them to watch your stuff or leave the luggage unattended (as close as possible) when you go to the bathroom. So far nothing's been stolen, or lost.

After the check in, I went to the security gates, completely forgetting that I'd left my pocket knife into my handbag. That almost got grabbed by the security, but the foreman said that it's fine, and I can take it... I'm willing to bet that if I had been a man, or wearing a veil, I wouldn't have had that option.

Bought the necessary souvenirs, had lunch/dinner (dunch? linner?), bought another coffee, and then it was time to start searching for the right gate.

Turns out it was about a kilometre away. The airport's huge!

Got to the plane all right. There was a hassle because some people had too much hand luggage that had to be moved to the cargo hold. The plane was packed, I think there was three empty seats, one luckily beside me (had an aisle seat, on row one), so I had a bit of space.

As the plane started its take off, I realised I was crying. I wasn't supposed to cry; I was going home!

Got some napkins from the stewardess, and calmed down. Spent the trip reading Pratchett's Making Money. Got safely home.

Now there's some unpacking and resting to do, before returning to "normal".